


This website visualises the estimated causes of death for every country between 1990 and 2017, as a percentage. The information used is from Our World In Data, which calculated the data from sources provided by the Global Burden of Disease, World Health Organisation, Global Terrorism Database and Amnesty International. Each data point represents the weighting of the corresponding cause of death out of the total deaths that occurred in the selected country and year. The visualisation allows for the comparison of causes of death between multiple countries and how the causes of death have changed over time.


This visualisation helps you compare the various causes of death around the world.
Use the slider to move to a specific year or use the pause and play button to see the gradual change over time.
Toggle countries with the legend to view a single country or add another country to see how they compare.
Hover over the graph for specific information and spin the graph to customize the position.
Make sure to display this webpage in 1920x1080p resolution for the best results.
Scroll down to see the contents of each category.


The types of death were grouped into the following categories:

Non-Infectious Diseases

Nutritional Disorders

Chronic Diseases

Infectious Diseases

Drug Use

Birth Disorders

Politically Motivated




Team Fruit Flies

Thomas Brettell (tbre2522)

Sumedha Dommatmari (sdom9253)

Alannah Frankel (afra9213)

Dylan Hensby (dhen2548)

Info ❯

Country 1:

Country 2:

Source: https://ourworldindata.org/causes-of-death